[IEEE Sponsored: EI,ISTP,IEEE Digital Library] Gyeongju, Korea: Paper Submission by May 2
Call for Papers, Workshops and Invited Sessions for ICMIC2012
2012 2nd International Conference on Mobile – IT Convergence
August 27 – 29, 2012, Gyeongju, Korea
Sponsored and Organized by:
IEEE, IEEE Korea Council, Asia ITNT Association, AICIT
ICMIC2012 is a premium international conference covers all areas related to the Theory, Development, Applications, Experiences and Evaluation of Mobile Computing/IT Convergence and gathers fellow students, researchers and practitioners in these fields from all around the world. [Important Dates] • Date of Main Conference: August 27 – 29, 2012 • Special Visiting Tour: Hyundai Motor Company and Hyundai Heavy Industries in Ulsan [Paper Submission] The conference proceeding will be published by IEEE Proceedings. Selected papers will be included as revised monographs in international journals indexed by SCI, EI(Compendex), SCOPUS. For more details, visit the conference web site at http://www.aicit.org/icmic. Call for Papers: http://www.aicit.org/icmic/cfp.html [Scope and Topics] ICMIC2012 invites new and original submissions addressing theoretical and practical topics and its applications in networked computing fields including (but not limited to these topics): Topic 1: Issues on Mobile/Wire/Wireless Computing [Contact Information] If you have any further questions on ICMIC2012, please feel free to contact us.
2012 AICIT Conference Calendar
** Please kindly forward this e-mail to your colleagues or students who may be interested. |